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July 17, 2020

Spiritual Gifts — from God, for the world, through you

Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone. — 1 Corinthians 12:4-6.

I have heard musicians who are technically accurate, every tone in perfect pitch with perfect rhythm. They have talent. And then I have heard musicians whose music captures my heart and soul, taking me on a journey that is truthful and deep. They have the spiritual gift of music.

Spiritual gifts are from God, for the benefit of the world, flowing through you.

God has given different spiritual gifts to every one of us. We know that God doesn’t need us to accomplish these things, but the Holy Spirit seems to prefer working through us, Jesus’ disciples. God wants to get beautiful music into the world and God has gifted certain people with the spiritual gift of music. God wants to get transforming teaching into the world and God has gifted certain people with the spiritual gift of teaching. God wants to get compassionate care for the poor into the world and God has gifted certain people with the spiritual gift of service.

Every one of us has spiritual gifts and discerning our own spiritual gifts can be an important part of discipleship. These gifts are not for us, they are for the sake of the world and for building up the church, although exercising your spiritual gifts can be one of the most profoundly joy-filled activities you can experience. Releasing surprising amounts of energy, using our spiritual gifts gives a sense of rightness and peace that is deeply satisfying.

The gifts are other-centered. For the one with the spiritual gift of teaching, the gift is centered on the student. For the one gifted with preaching, the gift is focused on the listener. For the one gifted with cooking, the gift is focused on the one being fed.

These gifts come from God and are ways that God builds up the kingdom of heaven here among us. Discerning your spiritual gifts and exercising them is a powerful way of cooperating with God and taking your faith seriously.

On Sunday Sept. 13th, the whole parish will spend the day learning about spiritual gifts, discerning our own gifts, and learning how to spot spiritual gifts in others, building each other up to enjoy our own piece of the kingdom of heaven.


We will live stream services from the church for the next few weeks until the infection numbers come down in Canyon County. Please wear masks, eat healthy and get a lot of fresh air and sunshine so we can get back to worshiping together in person as soon as possible!

Due to the increase in coronavirus cases in Canyon County, we will be shutting the office except for Wednesday and Friday. If you need to contact Karen+, please call her cell phone, 208-993-0048. Do keep all those who are ill in your prayers and let us encourage one another to be cautious in this difficult time.

Since we are back to online worship, please don't forget your pledge support of Grace. We have an online giving account you can access on the website if that is helpful for you. Your faithfulness in this difficult time has been a blessing!

Digital Coffee Hour. This Sunday we’ll be gathering via Zoom for coffee hour right after worship (11:30am). After worship, grab a cup of coffee (or whatever), click on the link, and check in with each other.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 843 9927 2014

Password: 100479

Angela's ordination: Angela Lerena's ordination is July 18. Her diocese is not allowing any gatherings so there will be minimal people in attendance. I have contacted the worship committee for Angela's ordination, asking how we at Grace might take part in that. You are invited to celebrate the ordination to the priesthood if Angela Lerena in July 18, 2020. Please join Here.

Mia’s ordination will be August 10th at 7pm. You can participate via Zoom. Link to be shared soon.

Book club reading “Inspired” by Rachel Held Evans, this Wednesday 7pm via Zoom. Same Zoom link as last time (if you don’t have it, please email We have room for you if you’d like to join us.

Spiritual Gifts Workshop. Mark your calendar: Sept. 13th. This will be an all-day parish-wide event. We’ll make sure that everyone can participate (on-site/at-home). This is a chance to examine the ways God works through you for the good of the world with unique gifts and talents. After exploring your own, we’ll also discuss how to spot spiritual gifts in others. When we all come out of our charisms, amazing things happen by the grace of God.


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