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Grace Episcopal Church...

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Book of Common Prayer

Grace Episcopal Church is liturgical — we follow the ancient words and patterns of worship, and we do it with a strong sense of the current presence and work of God.


Worship is the word of the whole parish and worship ministries are vital.

The ancient words that we pray in worship transform us.  Christians have known this for centuries, and so the way we pray is important.  Like all Episcopal churches, we follow the lectionary and are directed by the Book of Common Prayer.  At Grace Episcopal Church we believe that life in Christ is best experienced when we focus on transformation through worship, ministry in the community, and peace in the world.


Just as the words we pray in worship shape and form us, the holy space we worship in draws us into the beauty and sacredness of worship.

We are currently doing worship via Facebook Live while we look forward to worshiping together. 


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